Exploring the World of Genealogy
Researching the Faber Surname


There is a new Surname list for just the FABER Surname. It contains the current FABER names in my Family Tree Maker database, starting from 1590 to the present. This list is only of FABERS.

A GEDCOM SURNAMES list made from Family Tree Maker and converted to HTML using the utility GED2HTML features research on FABER, OUTWATER, DODD, and many others (1427 individuals, 521 families (4 Nov 1999)). MARK'S FAMILY TREE

A second GEDCOM SURNAMES list is made from information supplied by John Geurkink and A. K. Oudman. John's wife Joan's ancestors come from a long line of Faber's from Bolsward, Friesland. No connection has yet been made between the Faber pedigree of my family and Joan Faber Geurkink.

Kathy & I just spent a wonderful time in the Netherlands doing genealogical work and getting to know the people, both living and dead. We would like to share some of what we experienced with you. Join us for our 1997 Visit To The Ryksargyf in Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Don & Mary FABER...My father and mother are featured in this link. My mother's family goes back to pre-Revolutionary days. See what it was like during the Revolution of 1776 through the History of CAPTAIN JOHN OUTWATER AND HIS MILITIA: BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY 1776-1781

Gar & Minnie FABER...My grandfather and grandmother on my dad's side of the family. This is a multimedia presentation of their lives. They will be missed, but memories of their life will live on through these pages.


KATHY'S Family Tree ...A GEDCOM Sirnames List made from Family Tree Maker and converted to HTML using the utility GED2HTML utility featuring research on LARSON, PARK, NEPTUNE, BALMER and others.

Jim NEPTUNE & Isabel BALMER ...Kathy's father and mother are featured in this link.

Frederick James BALMER & Isabel PARK...raised Kathy from an early age. Following this link will take you to England and her family there.


So much of research into the history of my family has introduced me to different fields of research. In an effort to share the excitement and expansion of what I have been able to discover on the Internet, I have developed a new area for these pages called New Worlds Researching the Old World. I hope you enjoy where these doors to new research lead: Research Pages

These links were found in doing the extensive research for my family in the United States and the Netherlands.

Member of the Internet Genealogical Directory

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Last Revised: January 12, 2023
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